Preparing content for the future means building it right today.

Having worked across magazine, web, STEM and trade publishing in multiple roles, sitting on multiple committees and groups and with a solid background in the open standards upon which the publications of the future are being built, I have a passion for publishing, and how it becomes part of the data age.

Many of you landing here will have known me from my long stint at Penguin Random House UK, where I managed core ebook specifications and supplier relationships, used data analysis and a multi-stakeholder approach to measure and reduce ebook errors dramatically, and spearheaded the ebook accessibility transformation that put their trade publishing titles and metadata on the road to some of the best accessibility in the industry. I’m also a regular at several W3 committees in the digital publishing space, a member of the BookMachine Editorial Board (, and a co-founder of the UK Publishing Accessibility Action Group (, one of the UK’s most vibrant and influential accessibility groups for the publishing industry. You may have seen me in one of my regular appearances on ebook-related panels, especially on the topic of change management and designing accessibility workflows for complex organisations.

Having worked with developers, producers, authors and editors (and just about everyone else!), I pride myself on being ‘multilingual’ and helping different parts of an organisation to have better conversations with one another, and produce optimised roadmaps to change. If you bring me in to assist your organisation in its digital publishing journey, I will bring fresh perspectives as well as a range of contacts with the most experienced, generous, insightful people and organisations in this space.

I also tell some pretty great ‘groaner’ jokes, which I throw in for free. You’re welcome.

I look forward to working with you soon!